Tag Archives: Time Magazine Advertising Call of Duty

Time Magazine’s Call of Duty Cover Advertisement

When journalism jumps into advertising, there can be trouble. This is what Time Magazine is learning quickly as it’s receiving flack for using its iconic cover to promote a product.  

Time has helped create a mock cover to promote Activision’s upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.  This advertisement for the game appears like a normal Time cover, with red border and all.  According to the NY Times, Time lent support in the art direction, but Activision created the image.

The magazine believes this will allow their readership to expand to younger male audiences interested in the gaming world, a market they believe has not been reached by their publication.

Will a faux magazine cover as an advertisement really cause gamers to buy a subscription? I think doubtful, and so do many others.  Does Time lose credibility as a news source for selling out to advertising?